CRC Submissions

Steps to submit Camera Ready Copy (CRC) of Paper and Registration

  1. Prepare your Camera-Ready Paper as per the "Instruction to prepare Camera Ready Paper."
  2. Prepare reply to reviewers as per the instructions (Instruction to prepare reply to reviewers).
  3. Deposit Registration fee. Visit or
  4. Update detail of all co-authors on Microsoft CMT
  5. Upload all the documents (carefully go through Instruction to submit final files) through Microsoft CMT under Author Console using link "Create Camera Ready Submission".
  6. After Registration, please submit your information through Google Form


  1. Instruction to prepare Camera Ready Paper
    • Authors are advised to strictly follow an IEEE template for the paper available on the conference website. Link to Download InC4 2025 template.
    • For best results, please copy and paste your content into IEEE template and apply the appropriate style.
    • Please do not change header, footer, and other formatting of template.
    • Before formatting please carefully go through instructions given in template, especially section III “PREPARE YOUR PAPER BEFORE STYLING.”
    • Paper length must be 4-6 pages in the IEEE template. Above 6 pages in the given IEEE Conference Format, need approval from TPC.
    • Cite all the references in text. It is mandatory to discuss the referred literature in the text.
    • Provide high-resolution images. Text in the image must be readable.
    • Screenshots are not acceptable in the paper. Use proper images downloaded from simulators or use some tools to draw images (like
    • Each figure must be captioned and must be discussed in the text.
    • The caption must be self-explanatory and relevant to figure.
    • Tables must be typed and captioned and must be discussed in the text. Table in image format not acceptable.
    • Equations must be typed in equation editor and numbered sequentially.
  2. Instruction to prepare reply to reviewers
    • Use the Reply to reviewer template to prepare reply to reviewer's query.
    • Reply all the queries and highlight (in yellow color) action in camera ready paper.
  3. Instruction for registration
  4. Instruction to submit final files
    • Please submit following files to CMT
      • Source File (Word file) for camera ready paper
      • PDF file for reply to reviewers
      • Payment Proof
      • Student proof (if registering in student category)
      • IEEE Membership proof (if registering in IEEE Member category)
  5. Instruction to submit IEEE Copyright form will be shared after Feb 25, 2025.